HourGlass Convertible Bonds

September 20, 2022

1. Preface

The developers of the HourGlass Convertible Bonds contracted byterocket to conduct a smart contract audit of their Bond Box contracts. The HourGlass Convertible Bonds “are an enhancement to ButtonBonds that allow for borrowers to deposit collateral and borrow stablecoins while having the guaranteed option to repay before maturity in order to get the collateral back.”.

The team of byterocket reviewed and audited the above smart contracts in the course of this audit. We started on the 15th of August and finished on the 19th of September 2022.

  • Manual Multi-Pass Code Review
  • In-Depth Protocol Analysis
  • Automated Code Review
  • Formal Report

byterocket gained access to the code via a private GitHub repository. We based the audit on the main branch’s state on August 18th, 2022 (commit hash aaa466357414072bf35a1eb0f485b6d44aaf362b). The updated version was provided to us via multiple new commits to the repository, addressing our findings. The last and most recent commit hash that we audited is 44db55d16c339dd574a6145d74915c0d57012afa, reflecting the main branch’s state on October 17th, 2022.

2. Manual Code Review

We conducted a manual multi-pass code review of the smart contracts mentioned in section (1). Three different people went through the smart contract independently and compared their results in multiple concluding discussions.

The manual review and analysis were additionally supported by multiple automated reviewing tools, like Slither, GasGauge, Manticore,  and different fuzzing tools.

2.1 Severity Categories

We are categorizing our findings into four different levels of severity:

2.2 Summary

On the code level, we found 16 bugs or flaws, with 15 of them being fixed and 1 of them being acknowledged in a subsequent update. Prior to this, there have been 6 non-critical, 5 low severity, 2 medium severity, and 3 high severity findings. Our automated systems and review tools did not find any additional ones. Additionally, we found 3 gas improvements.

The contracts are written according to the latest standard used within the Ethereum community and the Solidity community’s best practices. The naming of variables is very logical and understandable, which results in the contract being easy to understand. The code is very well documented. The developers provided us with a test suite as well as proper deployment scripts.

2.3 Findings

H.1 - Faulty check in ConvertibleBondBox::initialize [HIGH SEVERITY] [FIXED]

Location: ConvertibleBondBox.sol - Line 46

There is a faulty check in the initialize function of the ConvertibleBondBox contract. Here, the penalty is being verified to be greater than the trancheGranularity - which is wrong. Instead, this check should ensure that the penalty is higher than the pentaltyGranularity.

The current tests did not catch this mistake because both constants hold the same value.

These are the affected lines of code:

// Revert if penalty too high
if (penalty() > s_trancheGranularity) {
 revert PenaltyTooHigh({
   given: penalty(),
   maxPenalty: s_penaltyGranularity

Consider replacing s_trancheGranularity with s_penaltyGranularity.

Update on 28th of September 2022:
The developers have fixed the issue by replacing the variable accordingly.

H.2 - Withdraw from StagingBox fails after CBB reinitialized [HIGH SEVERITY] [FIXED]

Location: StagingBox.sol - Line 135

There is a faulty check in the withdrawLend function of the ConvertibleBondBox contract. Here, the lendSlipAmount is being verified to be smaller than the reinitAmount - which is wrong. Instead, this check should ensure that the lendSlipAmount is greater than or equal to the reinitAmount.

These are the affected lines of code:

if (_lendSlipAmount < reinitAmount) {
 revert WithdrawAmountTooHigh({
   requestAmount: _lendSlipAmount,
   maxAmount: reinitAmount

Consider replacing 

_lendSlipAmount < reinitAmount 


_lendSlipAmount >= reinitAmount.

Update on 13th of October 2022:
The issue was fixed by defining the maximum amount of token withdrawable as the contract’s current balance minus the amount withdrawable by borrowers.

The updated code looks as follows:

uint256 maxWithdrawableAmount = stableToken().balanceOf(address(this)) - s_reinitLendAmount;
if (_lendSlipAmount > maxWithdrawableAmount) {
 revert WithdrawAmountTooHigh({
   requestAmount: _lendSlipAmount,
   maxAmount: maxWithdrawableAmount
H.3 - Important Assumption not documented [HIGH SEVERITY] [FIXED]

Location: Throughout the project

A ButtonToken can be instantiated with any oracle, and therefore a ButtonToken does not need to rebase to $1 but could rebase to, e.g., $2 (take a “normal” $-oracle for your token and divide the value by 2).

Throughout the project, there is the assumption that 1 unit of tokens used as StableToken is worth as much as 1 unit of the ButtonToken inside the Tranches.

If this assumption is not given, due to a ButtonToken not rebasing to $1 or a StableToken not using USD as a peg (or both), the ConvertibleBond does not work as intended because the internal math is broken.

Consider clearly documented that the price target of the ButtonToken used within the ButtonBond has to equal the value (or at least peg) of the StableToken.

Update on 13th of October 2022:
The assumptions mentioned are now documented inside the ConvertibleBondBox contract.

M.1 - Invariant stated in StagingBox not (always) fulfilled [MEDIUM SEVERITY] [FIXED]

Location: StagingBox.sol - Line 13

The contract documentation states as an invariant: “initial price must be < $1.00”. However, this invariant is not properly enforced in the StagingBox contract itself. The StagingBox contract only enforces that the initial price is less than or equal to the price granularity given during the contract’s deployment (see StagingBox::initialize).The price granularity given the StagingBox during deployment is a constant read from a ConvertibleBondBox instance (see StagingBoxFactory::createStagingBoxOnly).

Consider properly verifying that the stated invariant is enforced.

Update on 17th of October 2022:
The invariant got updated to state that the initial price must be less than or equal to the priceGranularity..

M.2 - Faulty return value on non-reinitialized CBB [MEDIUM SEVERITY] [FIXED]

Location: ConvertibleBondBox.sol - Line 168 - 180

If a ConvertibleBondBox is not yet reinitialized, the ConvertibleBondBox does not have an initialPrice defined. It is not possible to calculate a currentPrice, being the result of a linear function of the initialPrice, without having an initialPrice. The currentPrice before ConvertibleBondBox’s reinitialization is therefore undefined

These are the affected lines of code:

if (block.timestamp < maturityDate) {
 price = price - ((price - s_initialPrice) * (maturityDate - block.timestamp)) / (maturityDate - s_startDate);

Consider reverting inside the currentPrice function in case the ConvertibleBondBox is not reinitialized.

Update on 17th of October 2022:
The function got updated to revert in case the ConvertibleBondBox is not yet initialized.

L.1 - Unconventional fee mechanism [LOW SEVERITY] ACKNOWLEDGED

Location: ConvertibleBondBox.sol - Line 186 - 206

The repay function is called with a stableAmount as an argument. However, the amount of tokens the user actually pays is stableAmount + fees. While this is not incorrect in itself, it leads to a weird UX as calls such as


become impossible.

The user needs to compute the fee amount themself and subtract that from the amount they are able to repay.

Consider adapting how the fee mechanism works, potentially allowing for a better user experience.

Update on 13th of October 2022:
The developers acknowledge the unconventional fee mechanism.

L.2 - Unintentional underflow during error handling [LOW SEVERITY] [FIXED]

Location: CBBFactory.sol - Line 138 - 142

It is possible to create a ButtonBond with trancheCount of 1. If such a bond were given to the getBondData function through the createConvertibleBondBox function, the function would revert due to underflow. The underflow occurs while computing the arguments for the TrancheIndexOutOfBonds error.

Consider either finding a different way to handle the error message or enforcing that trancheCount can not be 1.

Update on 13th of October 2022:
The developers updated the error mechanism to circumvent potential underflows by adding an additional check.

L.3 - Inconsistent usage of msg.sender vs. _msgSender() [LOW SEVERITY] [FIXED]

Location: Throughout the project

Throughout the code of the project, both msg.sender and _msgSender() are being used. While _msgSender() is being used in internal contracts, msg.sender is used in user-facing/public contracts. This could be a design decision, but it has not been documented anywhere.

Consider deciding on a unified way of obtaining the user's address.

Update on 13th of October 2022:
The developers refactored the usage of msg.sender to _msgSender().

L.4 - Misleading requirement documentation [LOW SEVERITY] [FIXED]

Location: IConvertibleBondBox.sol - Line 65 & 82

The functions lend and borrow state in their doc: “Requirements: initial price of bond must be set”.

However, having the initialPrice set is not a requirement of the functions itself, but rather that the ConvertibleBondBox has been reinitialized.

Consider either updating the documentation of the requirement to match the implementation or actually enforcing the documented requirement.

Update on 13th of October 2022:
The documentation got updated as recommended.

L.5 - Missing requirement documentation [LOW SEVERITY] [FIXED]

Location: IStagingBox.sol - Line 80 & 92

The functions transmitReInit and transferCBBOwnership have the requirement that the StagingBox itself has to be the ConvertibleBondBox's owner.

This is the default setting when using the Factory to deploy the two contracts simultaneously. However, when deploying them separately, the user must manually change ownership.

Consider documenting this requirement to make users aware of having to change the ConvertibleBondBox’s ownership.

Update on 13th of October 2022:
The requirements are now explicitly documented.

NC.1 - Console logging import left in a contract [NON CRITICAL] [FIXED]

Location: ConvertibleBondBox.sol - Line 9

In the ConvertibleBondBox contract, there is still an import for the forge-std console logging feature.

Consider removing the import, as it should only be used for development and should not be required for production use.

Update on 28th of September 2022:
The developers have removed the import accordingly.

NC.2 - Faulty error messages [NON CRITICAL] [FIXED]

Location: Slip.sol - Line 41 & 45

In the Slip contract, there are two error messages in the init function that are labeled with Tranche instead of Slip.

Consider updating the error messages to match the contract.

Update on 13th of October 2022:
The developers have refactored the error messages accordingly.

NC.3 - Unused constant [NON CRITICAL] [FIXED]

Location: SlipFactory.sol - Line 13

In the SlipFactory contract, there is a constant variable DEFAUL_ADMIN_ROLE, which is never used.

Consider removing the variable if it is not required.

Update on 13th of October 2022:
The developers have removed unnecessary and unused variables.

NC.4 - Different version pragma [NON CRITICAL] [FIXED]

Location: SBImmutableArgs.sol - Line 2

The version pragma used throughout the project is ^0.8.13, but the SBImmutableArgs contract uses ^0.8.7.

Consider defining a unified version pragma that is ideally used throughout the whole project - in this case, ^0.8.13.

Update on 13th of October 2022:
The developers fixed the version pragma to 0.8.13 in all contracts.

NC.5 - Use if-else instead of two if’s [NON CRITICAL] [FIXED]

Location: StagingBox.sol - Line 210 - 219 & 221 - 235

In the transmitReInit function, there are two if clauses that are covering the exact opposite of each other. This would be an ideal scenario to make use of an if-else clause.

These are the affected lines of code:

if (_isLend) {
 // [...]
if (!_isLend) {
 // [...]

Consider making use of an if-else clause instead of two if-blocks.

Update on 13th of October 2022:
The developers refactored the if clauses accordingly.

NC.6 - Use ERC20 contract copied into project instead of importing from dependency [NON CRITICAL] [FIXED]

Location: Slip.sol - Line 210 - 219 & 221 - 235

The ERC20 dependency is imported from


However, the same ERC20 contract has already been copied into the project in the external/ directory.

Consider either using the already copied ERC20 contract or deleting the external/ directory.

Update on 13th of October 2022:
The developers have updated the contracts to be properly imported instead of copying the file into the repository.

2.3. Gas Optimizations

GO.1 - Don’t load constants into memory

Location: Throughout the project

Throughout the project, constant values are loaded into memory variables that are then never reassigned.

The affected occurrences are:

  • ConvertibleBondBox::reinitialize
  • ConvertibleBondBox::lend
  • ConvertibleBondBox::repay

Consider using constants directly, as the current way of accessing them via a memory variable is only costing more gas.

GO.2 - Use constant instead of memory variable

Location: ConvertibleBondBox.sol - Line 170 - 179

Inside the price calculation of the currentPrice function, consider using the s_priceGranularity constant instead of a local price variable. They hold the same value, but constants are cheaper.

GO.3 - Make variable immutable

Location: SlipFactory.sol - Line 15

The project intentionally follows ButtonBonds Factory pattern. Therefore, consider making the target variable in the SlipFactory immutable and renaming it to implementation.

3. Protocol/Logic Review

Part of our audits are also analyses of the protocol and its logic. The byterocket team went through the implementation and documentation of the implemented protocol.

The repository itself contained tests and documentation. We found the provided unit tests that are coming with the repository execute without any issues and cover the most important parts of the protocol.

According to our analysis, the protocol and logic are working as intended, given that any findings with a severity level are fixed. When making use of the Mainnet forking method, we were able to successfully execute the protocol.

We were not able to discover any additional problems in the protocol implemented in the smart contract.

4. Summary

During our code review (which was done manually and automated), we found 16 bugs or flaws, with 15 of them being fixed and 1 of them being acknowledged in a subsequent update. Prior to this, there have been 6 non-critical, 5 low severity, 2 medium severity, and 3 high severity findings. Our automated systems and review tools did not find any additional ones. Additionally, we found 3 gas improvements.

The protocol review and analysis did neither uncover any game-theoretical nature problems nor any other functions prone to abuse besides the ones that have been uncovered in our findings.

In general, there are some improvements that can be made, but we are very happy with the overall quality of the code and its documentation. The developers have been very responsive and were able to answer any questions that we had.


As of the date of publication, the information provided in this report reflects the presently held understanding of the auditor’s knowledge of security patterns as they relate to the client’s contract(s), assuming that blockchain technologies, in particular, will continue to undergo frequent and ongoing development and therefore introduce unknown technical risks and flaws. The scope of the audit presented here is limited to the issues identified in the preliminary section and discussed in more detail in subsequent sections. The audit report does not address or provide opinions on any security aspects of the Solidity compiler, the tools used in the development of the contracts or the blockchain technologies themselves, or any issues not specifically addressed in this audit report.
The audit report makes no statements or warranties about the utility of the code, safety of the code, suitability of the business model, investment advice, endorsement of the platform or its products, the legal framework for the business model, or any other statements about the suitability of the contracts for a particular purpose, or their bug-free status.

To the full extent permissible by applicable law, the auditors disclaim all warranties, express or implied. The information in this report is provided “as is” without warranty, representation, or guarantee of any kind, including the accuracy of the information provided. The auditors hereby disclaim, and each client or user of this audit report hereby waives, releases and holds all auditors harmless from, any and all liability, damage, expense, or harm (actual, threatened, or claimed) from such use.

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The IPFS Hash, a unique identifier of the report, is signed on-chain by both the client and us to prove that both sides have approved this audit report. This signing mechanism allows users to verify that neither side has faked or tampered with the audit.

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